Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How Do I Change Hotmail Password?

With Hotmail's new design every user has the same question on their mind, how do I change my password? Back in the day all you'd have to do is click Options and anything you want to change or update is there and up to your preference. So, how do you change hotmail password in the new design?

Simple, just follow these steps:

1. Sign-in to your hotmail account

2. Click Privacy in the bottom left corner of the window

3. You will see this pop-up navigation on top of Privacy, click Account

4. Once Account settings are loaded, you will see the Password field, few stars (your current password) and a Change button. Click Change.

5. This step is self-explanatory, simply fill in your old password then type your new password twice for security purposes where necessary, and click Save.

You are officially done. Good luck.

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